Toddler Logic:

Welcome to my world...

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I have a 3 year old. And a 1 year old. Since I have donated my brains to my children, I have decided instead of blogging my thoughts, I should record their thoughts, which are wonderful and twisted and entertaining. Here is a sample conversation with Leif (3) from our time on the swingset this morning:

Me: I don’t like mosquitoes
Leif: Well, I LOVE mosquitoes
Me: You do?
Leif: Yes, cause Jesus loves mosquitoes
Me: Yes, I guess he does
Leif: He loves them cause he kills them.
Me: I don’t follow your logic
Leif: Well, I follow my logic
Me: That’s good.
Leif: Cause Jesus kills them, and I kill them.
Me: Oh, I see. You love them and kill them because Jesus loves them and kills them
Leif: Right!
Me: I like your logic.

few moments later....
Me: I’m trying to decide if we should go to church today, because if we are, we should go in and get ready soon.
Leif: I don’t follow your.....problem. But, I like your problem.

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